Rafting Magazine

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Rafting With Kailee: Episode 2 - Confidence and Leadership in Female Guides

How Do you Build Confidence and Leadership in Female Guides?

Spending her entire adult life as an adventure guide, Team Paddler Kailee Hutchison has spent years leading men and women in the outdoors trying to understand both sides of the confidence and leadership question. Accurately understanding what needs to happen for female boaters from a female perspective has been a hot topic in the outdoor industry recently due to the changing demographics of the outdoors. Recently America Outdoors invited Kailee to speak at their 2021 annual outfitter conference to help outfitters understand this question, however due to the nature of how people are taught in the outdoors it is helpful for anyone who is teaching female boaters to understand Kailee’s solutions oriented approach to how to build confidence and inspire leadership in the outdoors. Kailee is also joined by our friend Cheyenne Arrington who shares some fun anecdotes about her time in the outdoors and what she has discovered in the world of freestyle cliff jumping.