Rafting Magazine

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Raft Field Repair With Sotar

Our friends from Sotar joined our team for a super in depth guide to field repair on your raft. Trenten, Sotar’s Head Repair Tech, and Jeremiah, COO of Sotar, came down to share some thoughts. Through this process we actually cut a thwart and patched it with a proper field repair using tear aid type B. The type B tear aid is a critical element to proper field repair since it has more backing and is specifically designed to work with most plastic rafts on the market.

Important points for repairing rafts in the field

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  • Don’t be afraid to cut your boat to help get more access to the tear.

  • You need at minimum 24 hours of compression time for a glued patch to cure properly.

  • Slowly peel the backing off to expose the sticky side.

  • Chase out all of your bubbles to make sure the seal is solid.

  • Run your tubes slightly soft to prevent the repair from failing.